As I type this preamble, I know you'll probably not even read it. These images - this home - is just TOO too good, you've already scrolled on past these words to devour every last pixel of perfection below.
But if you're reading, I need you to know that this taste-making, show-stopping work is by Australian Interior Designer Sally Caroline. Her eponymous atelier specialises in luxury homes - truly artful one-of-ones that embody Sally's clients dreams.
The best homes get their own names, and this one's is 'Lilac Linen' - perfect, right? She's light and luxurious, youthful and feminine, a little playful.
The opulence is unapologetic. And why shouldn't it be, this home is the owners' hard work, dreams and bravery made manifest. But it's so much more than just opulent. It's creative and clever, with bespoke furniture and hardware details that are unexpected little artworks in and of themselves. It's confident and bold, but also soft and fun.
(By the way, the home is also available to rent as a photoshoot location, see it's insta account @lilac_linen_house)
OK, on with the show!
All photography by Timothy Kaye
See loads more imagery of this home over at The Local Project, or on Sally Caroline website, and follow Sally Caroline's tastemaking work over on her Instagram @sallycaroline_